Our History
Pastor Charles Smith and family lived in Tacoma, Washington, where he pastored the First Missionary Baptist Church of Tacoma. The Don Potter family, members of the First MBC of Tacoma, moved to Cashmere in 1968. Pastor Smith suggested that one of the fourteen preachers in the church at Tacoma should come over to Cashmere and begin a new church with the Potter family. However, the Lord began to lay Cashmere on his heart, so in 1969, Pastor Smith and his family left Tacoma and came to Cashmere as a missionary, sent out from the First MBC with the charge to begin a church in the Cashmere area, as directed by the Lord. Pastor Smith didn’t know what the future would hold, or how he would provide for his family – but he knew that if God was in it, they would be taken care of.
The young mission began meeting in the Smith and Potter homes weekly. Their first official meeting place was the Mission Creek Community Hall. They began calling themselves the Mission Creek Baptist Mission, and held their first official business meeting on January 17, 1971. While meeting in this hall, the mission began to make plans to organize into a church.
After moving to the American Legion Hall in Cashmere, the church held special services on March 26-27, 1971, to officially organize into a New Testament Church. After a time of fellowship and preaching on Friday evening, the church held the organizational service on Saturday, the 27th. With about 75 people present, the church was named the Vale of Cashmere Missionary Baptist Church, with ten charter members going into the organization. God blessed and the church grew in number and spirit.
Early in 1975, the church found itself without a place to meet. At the same time, they became aware that the Dryden MBC, organized in 1957, was without a pastor and in need of help. They met together weekly for three months and after prayer and discussion, the two churches merged into one church, including all debt and properties. A special service was held on May 7, 1975, in which this new church was called the Mid-Valley Missionary Baptist Church.
The church met in the old Dryden MBC church building and God continued to bless with more members added. The building became full and overflowing as the years passed, so that the need of a larger church building was apparent. After much prayer and consideration, it was decided to build a new church facility on the property on Frontage Road. This was a step of great vision and faith, with several members placing their signatures to secure financial approval from the bank.
The construction began with the digging of the basement on February 18, 1986. The church met in the new building for the first time on Easter Sunday, April 3, 1988. There were about 225 people who met to celebrate the goodness of the Lord that day! As of December 1998, the church is debt free. For this we praise the Lord!
In the spring of 1998, Pastor Charles Smith retired from the Pastorate of Mid-Valley, after nearly thirty years of faithful ministry in the Cashmere area. He and his loving wife, Mabel, remained members of the church. In May of 1998, the church called Brian Ross to be the new pastor of Mid-Valley and in June of 1998, he, his wife Sarah, and their four children moved up to Cashmere to begin his pastorate here. In July of 2002, Pastor Charlie went to be with the Lord. We are thankful for their service and leadership throughout the years.
With humility and gentleness and under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Brian changed some of the old, long held Missionary Baptist traditions that did not comply with the Gospel of Christ. He brought about a new elder led form of government, and revised the doctrinal statement. He dropped the “Missionary” from the name of the church. He made these changes without the loss of one member and in the most loving and gentle way, using God’s word as his guide. Under his leadership, the portable was added for additional Sunday School classroom space. After serving faithfully for 15 years, Pastor Brian resigned as pastor in 2013.
After a 10 month search for God’s man to lead Mid-Valley, Travis Connick became the 3rd pastor of Mid-Valley Baptist Church in 2014. Pastor Travis served with diligence in his time at MVBC. He began work on updating the church constitution, overseeing the addition of a new sign, adding deacons and elders, and upgrading some of the facilities, all the while teaching from a Gospel centered, Christ honoring perspective. Pastor Travis resigned in June of 2017 to return to his home church, Trail Community Fellowship in Oregon. He currently serves as associate pastor there and is in the process of becoming the lead pastor.
Before relocating, Pastor Travis introduced MVBC to Mike Moore. Mike and Travis had become acquainted at Pacific Bible College in the early 2000’s where Mike was a professor for over a decade. Pastor Travis believed Mike Moore would fit well as an interim Pastor for MVBC. He was absolutely right. Pastor Mike served as interim pastor for about 1 year and the church asked him to continue on in a permanent role.
Pastor Mike came out of retirement to serve MVBC. He had previously served in two Oregon churches long term - one for 17 years and the other for 13 years. Mike had also served with Campus Crusade for Christ for a decade and as a chaplain for a Canadian football team. Pastor Moore received his Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education, Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Studies and Biblical Counseling, and in 1996graduated with a Doctor of Ministry from Western Seminary.
Today, Pastor Mike teaches through the Bible verse by verse, using his studies in Greek and Hebrew, his own life experiences, and relying on God’s Spirit to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Pastor Mike’s vision for MVBC is to faithfully serve God and to be a cornerstone in the surrounding community for generations and generations to come.